Protect your brand reputation, data assets, prevent data breaches, and avoid compliance incidents.
Protect your brand reputation, data assets, prevent data breaches, and avoid compliance incidents.
With modern Privacy laws, regulations, and consumers’ rights, organizations must manage and protect data adequately.
Dataspin is a comprehensive solution to address the privacy governance needs of organizations.
The solution enables customers to manage and protect sensitive data throughout its lifecycle, from discovery and classification to protection and reporting from a single point.
Dataspin delivers compliance and data protection solutions with four modules.
Data privacy manager helps organizations meet GDPR requirements by automating privacy impact assessments and data mapping, identifying privacy risks, and enforcing risk management activities in an integrated platform.
Everything in an easy-to-use dashboard, giving you visibility and transparency across the organization.
Discover, map and classify personal data in databases and on systems.
With Dataspin Discovery Manager, you can automatically discover the Personal and Sensitive Data Hidden in Your Enterprise Data systems.
Dataspin Data Discovery Manager uses various data discovery rules and algorithms to automate locating sensitive data. Sensitive data discovery checks multiple systems, databases, hundreds or thousands of tables, and millions of data records. It offers pre-built policy templates for PII, PCI, HIPAA, CCPA, PIPEDA and GDPR elements, or you can define unlimited types and numbers of custom policies with just a few clicks.
Dataspin can discover structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, both known and unknown, in relational databases (RDBMS) and structured data stores, NoSQL databases, data warehouses, big data Hadoop platforms and on-premises file servers.
You can mask, redact and encrypt personal data and meet privacy regulation requirements such as “Right to be Forgotten”, “Consent & Data Minimization”, while keeping data access on a need to know basis.
Dataspin Masking manager has Role-based sensitive data masking features in all of databases on-premises. You can anonymize Sensitive Data. Dynamic data masking (DDM) is an emerging technology aiming at real-time data masking of production data. DDM changes the data stream so that the data requester does not get access to the sensitive data, while no physical changes to the original production data take place. Both static or dynamic masking techniques are used to ensure that all data security requirements are met, and all data in the databases remains intact.
Dataspin Database Activity Manager is the first line of defence for databases, helping prevent internal and external attacks from reaching the database. It monitors and blocks unauthorized SQL traffic on the network before it comes to the database.
Dataspin Database Activity Manager acts as a firewall and has real-time monitoring and auditing capabilities to report user activity applied for privacy requirements such as “Records of processing activities” and “Right of access”.
Real-time monitoring of user behaviours and changes made to sensitive data can ensure compliance and enhance visibility for sensitive data activity. Dataspin Database Activity Manager can monitor o application users when applications are connected to the database with a single database user.
It has Data Auditing and Database Activity Monitoring features for all SQL or NoSQL databases.